Esoteric Yoga Online
Esoteric Yoga Online
Esoteric Yoga Online
Esoteric Yoga
Connective Tissue Movements
Body Awareness - Online Programs
Terms and Conditions for participation
Your consent is important to us.
I Understand and Agree That:
Lisa Hansberry and Kate Greenaway are not liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of or in connection with my participation in an ESOTERIC YOGA and CONNECTIVE TISSUE MOVEMENTS session, now or later, including but not limited to personal or any other loss or damage caused to me while participating in an ESOTERIC YOGA and CONNECTIVE TISSUE MOVEMENTS session.
I agree to indemnify Lisa Hansberry and Kate Greenaway against all claims or liability whatsoever in respect of personal injury or any loss or damage caused to me arising out of or in connection with my participation in an ESOTERIC YOGA and CONNECTIVE TISSUE MOVEMENTS session.
I Acknowledge, Understand and Agree That:
If I should have any injury, disease, disability, mental health or other concern about my health or well- being, now or later, I will consult my GP or other healthcare provider first before I participate or continue to participate in an ESOTERIC YOGA and CONNECTIVE TISSUE MOVEMENTS session
If I experience any pain or difficulty during the ESOTERIC YOGA and CONNECTIVE TISSUE MOVEMENTS session, I will stop immediately, advise the presenter and consult a doctor.
My participation in any ESOTERIC YOGA and CONNECTIVE TISSUE MOVEMENTS session is at my own risk.
Esoteric Yoga is not recommended for those who have been diagnosed with a mental illness. On booking into this program I agree that I have not been diagnosed with a mental illness.
I certify that by completing the booking into this program I have understood and agreed/consent to the above terms.